Tamar Nadibaidze

Tamar Nadibaidze


Tamar Nadibaidze is a key project staff member from CSD for the ‘Safe Online’ and a Strategic Partnerships and Community Engagement advisor at the Center for Strategy and Development. 

Tamar has about 10 years of work experience in project management and implementation of the EU and national funded projects in the fields of parliamentary democracy, good governance, security sector oversight and strengthening opportunities for underserved communities. Tamar regularly collaborates with gender-focused organisations to promote more responsive and intersectional policy-making, particularly in the local governance entities. Additionally, she has been working with civil society organisations in the region to develop safeguarding policies and support ethical operations. 
Her main professional interest lies in gender equality and social inclusion topics with a focus on interlinkages between capacity building and policy-making. Tamar’s education comes from Political Science, and Ethnic and Migration Studies.